Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fear of change

Fear of change, it stops people from making action, it makes people to procrastinate things. I am someone that fear of change too, but it is understandable, changes in life have three possible outcome, it can get better, it can get worst and the situation will just stay the same. On the other hand, if you did not change, things is more likely to just stay the same, it will seems to be acceptable as long as the situation seems bearable to you. But as time goes by, your fear will make you to lower your expectation again and again, you are just trying to fool yourself that it is still bearable, and not changes need to be done.

So guys, please don't let your fear of change from stopping you to made action.

 *A completely unrelated side note* : Dear Malaysian, if you all believe that the current government is bearable to you, then don't change, but if it is not bearable to you, then you all should take action now !!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012



   有人说成功其实很简单,只要你在对的时候作对的事情就可以了,但在对的时候作对的事情真的有那么简单吗? 人常常在做错的选择,我们明明知道这是错的但还是义无反顾的去作,去一错再错... 这就是人生吧...
